Divine Designs Great Graphics, Business Branding, & Bold Beauty Blog:
1) Protect Your Hair
Always protect your hair from sun, wind and rain. Exposure to excessive sun, heat, dirt, pollution, etc. adds to our already existent hair woes. These can lead to dirt build up, drying out of hair and scalp, increased susceptibility to infections on the scalp. Cover your hair with an umbrella or a hat.
2) Deal Carefully With Wet Hair
Wet hair is very fragile and breaks easily. When wet, the shaft and roots of your hair are more prone to sustaining damage. Don’t be too harsh when shampooing. Breakage begins there. And also avoid brushing immediately after a shower. If you have to then use a shower cap instead.
3) Regular Conditioning Is Key
Use a moisturizing conditioner after every wash. Never walk out of a shower without it. Missing this step could be the reason why your hair is frizzy.
4) Condition The Right Way
Conditioning needs to be done right. Conditioners are formulated to seal in the moisture content in the hair shaft. They are not meant for the scalp. Start conditioning about 2 inches away from your scalp. Too much conditioner on the scalp will only make your scalp excessively oily and is offered mostly to sell more business products for profits.
5) Use Same Line Shampoo And Conditioner
Choose a top shampoo and a conditioner from the same line as it has a similar formulation. These beauty products are made for a specific hair type and a specific purpose. It shows better results when you use a single line instead of two individual products. It will also make your hair as smooth and silky as Egyptian cotton!
6) Don’t Over Apply Heat On Hair
Avoid using heat on your hair. Heat further strips the moisture content from your hair making it dry and frizzy. When overused, it can also burn your hair. Use iron/curl, straighteners only if necessary and remember to use a hair protectant before!
7) Avoid Tight Hair Ties
Avoid using super tight hair ties; instead, opt for scrunchies with cloth around them. Tight hair ties tend to pull your hair back real tight which increases friction. This can cause breakage.
8) Don’t Braid Tightly During Bedtime
When you go to bed at night, loosely braid your hair to avoid a frizzy mess, a side braid is a better option. Leaving your hair open tends to create knots, which means you need to subject it to pulling and brushing in the morning. Over brushing results in the frizziness that you want to avoid.
9) Choose Satin Pillow Covers
Sleeping on satin pillow covers is known to reduce hair breakage due to friction. Cotton and other materials are quite rough in texture. Due to which they also cause more friction against your hair.
10) Dry Hair Cautiously
When drying hair, pat dry. Do not ever rub. You might dry your hair faster but the amount of hair that breaks and falls away also doubles up.
11) Oil The Scalp Frequently
Oil your hair as frequently as you can and use a gentle shampoo to get rid of the oil. Oiling the scalp is good for your hair. But do not over do it. Dripping oil from your hair will only need you to use more shampoo which strips out more of your natural oils no matter how mild it is.
12) Suitable Hair Masks
Use hair masks that are suited for your hair. Hair needs vary as per your hair type and troubles. It is necessary that you use the right masks, or it can further aggravate your problem.
13) Avoid Teasing Your Hair
Avoid teasing your hair; even if it creates a lot of volume, it ruins the hair texture. Take the teasing down a notch and it will enhance your hair health.
14) Cold Water Is Good For Hair
Use cold water to wash your hair. Yes, our parents scream at us for it will probably make us sick but hot water affects hair the same way as heat styling methods do. Cold doesn’t exactly mean freezing cold, but you can use water at room temperature instead.
15) Use Clarifying Shampoo
Once In A Month A clarifying shampoo once every month is a good idea. This eliminates the trouble of product build up due to which the shampoo and conditioners tend to lose effectiveness.
16) Brush Hair Effectively
Brushing, this is a sure shot way to increase the luster of your hair. It spreads the natural oils through the length of your hair. But don’t over do this. And do not use plastic brushes as they cause increased breakage.
17) Healthy Eating
Health on the inside reflects on your hair too. The healthier you are, the better your hair looks. If you want to have really good and healthy hair, eating right is a must. Certain nutrients like vitamins, iron and proteins are essential for your hair growth and health. If you are unable to obtain enough from your diet, then you need to consider supplements. A good diet for hair will also boost your confidence to stay healthy and smart.
18) Don’t Use Too Many Products
Avoid using too many products on your hair. Of course, there are certain products that you absolutely must use, like shampoo, conditioner, and serum, but try and avoid bottled hair products as much as possible. The basics are where it begins, but additional care is something we cannot skip in today’s environment. How to keep hair healthy? Or how to maintain healthy hair? These are questions we all have. Your hair needs a little bit extra of loving if you hope to keep it beautiful forever. And if those products on the shelf are no longer cutting it for you, then it is time to move to more natural solutions.
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