Rails is a working environment for Ruby. It makes everything easier. Every time you want to generate a project, Rails creates a folder structure in which you will organize all the code. In addition, there are gems: code packages prepared by other people that you can use in your projects, since they provide common functionalities.
Why is RoR so used?
One of the reasons is that its launch was a revolution in design change and also that Rails is designed with the best practices, so it naturally leads you to write amazing code.
Something key, also, is that in a few hours it makes it possible for you to build web applications and leave them running online. To give you an idea, the first version of Twitter is an example of ruby on rails development company. Twitter.com was made in just one day using Ruby on Rails!
Another important point is that many flashy companies that you surely know use Ruby, such as: Walmart, Groupon, Cisco, CNET, IBM, JP Morgan, NASA, Yahoo.
Thus, from startups to large companies, they have come to the conclusion that when it comes to creating web applications, the best option is Ruby on Rails.
Whatever you have in mind and it is a web application, you can do it on Rails. Just take a look at some of the greats who built their sites with Rails: BaseCamp, 500px, Airbnb, Couchsurfing, Fiverr, Github, Hulu, Indiegogo, KickStarter, Pixlr, Shopify, Square, ThemeForest, Zendesk, among others.
Only in Ruby on Rails you cannot build a mobile application, but you can build a web application and it works as a backend for a mobile application.
Thus, in conclusion, literally with Rails you could not create mobile applications, but for sure it can be an important part of a mobile project.
Knowing Rails at this time is one of the most demanded skills in the USA and worldwide in web application development.
Startups especially like Rails, so you could be part of a company with great growth prospects at an early stage or you could also join a more established company such as a software house.
In fact, one option that many take is to work as a freelance, that is, independently, carrying out projects. Who can choose between small and medium projects and work with a variety of long-term clients.
Experienced programmers use Ruby on Rails not only because it is becoming a highly demanded framework, but because it helps them simplify common and repetitive tasks. If you are still hesitating about using the Ruby on Rails framework, you can read this article.